Buying jewellery for yourself or as a gift for someone you love and appreciate is always a great idea. Who does not love jewellery? This is one of the best ways to say to someone someone “Thank you”, “Love you”, “Appreciate you”. Jewellery is a great way to send your message or to make yourself happy. However, no matter if you are shopping for jewellery for yourself or for someone else, making the right choice is not always an easy thing. With so many materials, designs, price options, etc. available on the market, picking the right piece should not be a spontaneous purchase but a well-researched one so you don’t regret your purchase. At the end of the day, a jewellery piece is definitely not a cheap thing and you want to take your time and select the best for your money. Here are some really helpful tips you can keep in mind next time you shop for jewellery.

Loyal to a Brand

Big jewellery brands are widely loved and have a large fan base for a reason. Most of them come with a history behind the brand and in many cases, this is the reason you are paying the premium price, however, does this mean that smaller and less popular jewellery brands do not create high-quality and beautiful pieces? Of course not, premium price is not a guarantee for premium quality. A no-name variety of jewellery pieces can offer just as much as a popular brand name and if you are unable to find any specific details for craftsmanship, you are probably overpaying for the brand name.

Silver Is Timeless

Gold is gold and we all enjoy buying it for ourselves or getting it as a gist. However, being too fixated on gold pieces only means we can easily miss our chance to find some stunning and timeless silver pieces. Silver is as classic as gold and it never goes out of style. In addition, silver pieces are significantly less expensive than gold ones, which makes them a perfect gift if you don’t want to break the bank. Silver provides a stronger contrast to many beautiful stones, which means that it is often the better choice. In addition, silver is usually the stronger metal out of the two and requires less maintenance and upkeep.

Every Woman Needs Pearls

Forget about diamonds, pearls are now a girl’s best friend and there is no wonder why. Pearls are extremely beautiful, elegant, classy and feminine, they will never go out of style and every woman needs at least one beautiful pearl piece in her collection. In addition, pearls are a significantly more budget-friendly option compared to diamond pieces. Pearls are iconic, they complement every style and outfit and look good with everything. There are three categories of pearls on the market – natural, cultured and imitation. Natural pearls are truly rare, therefore they come at a very, very high price and are almost impossible to find on the market. Imitation pearls, on another hand, are cheap, made out of plastic and look nothing like the real thing. What you should be looking for are cultured pearls as they come with a beautiful lustre, sheen and smooth surface and you can find them just about anywhere.


If you want to get a beautiful jewellery piece as a gift for someone you love and appreciate, however, you are not sure what to pick and what will suit them the best, jewellery pieces with a birthstone is always a great idea. Every zodiac sign or month is associated with a set of precious and semi-precious stones. Depending on when a person is born, they will have their own set of birthstones. Now, if precious stones are definitely not within your budget, you can always opt for semi-precious stones that are equally beautiful and are also birthstones of the zodiac signs. Some of the most popular and beautiful precious stones that really impress with their unique appearance are amethyst, moonstone, amber, garnet, opal, peridot,

Get Advice from a Jeweller

When in doubt about what jewellery piece to choose as a gift for a precious person in your life, do the best thing – ask a jeweller for advice and recommendations. At the end of the day, who is going to give you better advice than the people, who are involved in creating jewellery and are quite familiar and understand all details and aspects. Jewellers are your best sources for unbiased advice and they will help you make the best decision.

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